rule "Presence Person1 online" when Item Smartphone1_Fritzbox received command ON or Item Smartphone1_DDWRT1 received command ON or Item Smartphone1_DDWRT2 received command ON then postUpdate(Presence_Person1, ON) end rule "Presence Person1 offline" when Item Smartphone1_Fritzbox received command OFF or Item Smartphone1_DDWRT1 received command OFF or Item Smartphone1_DDWRT2 received command OFF then Thread::sleep(180000) // Warte 3 Minuten if (Smartphone1_Fritzbox.state==OFF && Smartphone1_DDWRT1.state==OFF && Smartphone1_DDWRT2.state==OFF) { postUpdate(Presence_Person1, OFF) } end rule "Presence Person2 online" when Item Smartphone2_Fritzbox received command ON or Item Smartphone2_DDWRT1 received command ON or Item Smartphone2_DDWRT2 received command ON then postUpdate(Presence_Person2, ON) end rule "Presence Person2 offline" when Item Smartphone2_Fritzbox received command OFF or Item Smartphone2_DDWRT1 received command OFF or Item Smartphone2_DDWRT2 received command OFF then Thread::sleep(180000) // wait for 3 minutes if (Smartphone2_Fritzbox.state==OFF && Smartphone2_DDWRT1.state==OFF && Smartphone2_DDWRT2.state==OFF) { postUpdate(Presence_Person2, OFF) } end rule "Presence Overall online" when Item Presence_Person1 changed to ON or Item Presence_Person2 changed to ON then postUpdate(Presence_Overall, ON) end rule "Presence Overall offline" when Item Presence_Person1 changed to OFF or Item Presence_Person2 changed to OFF then if (Presence_Person1.state==OFF && Presence_Person2.state==OFF) { postUpdate(Presence_Overall, OFF) } end