# Prosody failed encryted S2S communication This is a plugin for the monitoring software [Munin](http://munin-monitoring.org) to monitor a [Prosody](http://prosody.im) XMPP server. The plugins monitors failed encryted server to server (S2S) communication between a remote server and the local server. Here's an example how how this plugin works: [Prosody failed encrypted S2S communication statistics for jabber.hot-chilli.net](https://www.hot-chilli.net/munin/hot-chilli.net/tethys.hot-chilli.net/loggrep_prosodys2sfails.html) ## Installation and configuration It is very simple to install this plugin. Create symlink: `ln -s /usr/share/munin/plugins/loggrep /etc/munin/plugins/loggrep_prosodys2sfails` Create a file */etc/munin/plugin-conf.d/loggrep_prosodys2sfails* (we don't want change the standard file */etc/munin/plugin-conf.d/munin-node* as future updates might want to undo the changes) and put the following into it: **Prosody 0.9:** ``` [loggrep_prosodys2sfails] user root env.regex_outencfailed outgoing s2s stream .* closed: Encrypted server-to-server communication is required but was not offered env.label_outencfailed outgoing S2S encryption failed env.regex_inencfailed incoming s2s stream .* closed: Encrypted server-to-server communication is required but was not used env.label_inencfailed incoming S2S encryption failed env.logfile /var/log/prosody/prosody.log env.title Prosody failed encrypted S2S communication ``` **Prosody 0.10:** ``` [loggrep_prosodys2sfails] user root env.regex_outencfailed Outgoing s2s stream .* closed: Encrypted server-to-server communication is required but was not offered env.label_outencfailed outgoing S2S encryption failed env.regex_inencfailed Incoming s2s stream .* closed: Encrypted server-to-server communication is required but was not used env.label_inencfailed incoming S2S encryption failed env.logfile /var/log/prosody/prosody.log env.title Prosody failed encrypted S2S communication ``` Edit */etc/munin/munin.conf* - in our case we have a Munin host named *tethys.hot-chilli.net*, please add it under the specifications for your own host: ``` [tethys.hot-chilli.net] address ... loggrep_prosodys2sfails.graph_category prosody loggrep_prosodys2sfails.graph_period minute ``` Now you need to restart munin-node: `/etc/init.d/munin-node restart` That's it. Enjoy!